High Endurance Agricultural UAS
Get Upto
minutes of endurance
Get Upto
acres/battery charge
Revolutionizing Agricultural Practices.
That matters
Wide, flat spray pattern, ensuring uniform coverage of the target area
Finer spray compared uitable for applications where creating a mist or fine droplets
High Density Poly-Ethylene Tank having capacity of 10 L for carrying agrochemicals
Detect & Avoid Obstacle
Obstacle detection radar is used to detect obstacle in-path and change the trajectory of the drone to avoid hitting the obstacle
Field of View
28° Azimuth & 14° Elevation
Range Scope
1 m to 30 m
Range Accuracy
0.1 m
Ingress Protection
Terrain Following
Terrain Altimeter is used to detect the terrain changes and change the altitude accordingly to maintain distance between drone and ground
Field of View
34° Azimuth & 8° Elevation
Height Scope
0.2 m to 22 m
Height Accuracy
0.01 m
Ingress Protection
Communication is the key
Plotting Techniques
Plot Using Map
Polt the field using GCS application map support to add fence boundaries, waypoints and other plotting parameters
Plot Using Drone
Fly the drone in Loiter (Manual) mode and it'll remeber the path to fly autonomously the next time
Plot Using RC
Polt the field using Radio Controller's location to get prcise location control over field mapping
Plot Using KML
Upload a KML file from device and the drone will fetch the mission detils to fly autonomously.